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First Things First

What Is Branding? Why Brand? Brand Therapy

Many business leaders lack a clear sense of what sets their organization apart. It can be daunting to define or articulate your messages and benefits. What’s your place in the market? That’s where branding comes in.

  • Branding provides the framework for communicating who you are to potential clients and customers.
  • Branding is what happens before you market or advertise your services or products.
  • You create your brand first then you make sure people know about it.

Creating Brands That Resonate
Great branding taps into emotions. It sums up how people feel about the total experience and what they say about you when they leave your office. Having a deeper understanding of how others perceive your business is the first step in forming a relationship with them.

The best branding creates a connection between your business and the people you most want to reach. It helps shape perception, inspires loyalty and positions you in the marketplace. A well-defined brand:

  • Lays a foundation for all your future marketing efforts,
  • Keeps you focused,
  • Helps align your team.

In a nutshell, it is an organizing principle for everything you do.


Toni Morrison

 © Nutshell Branding
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